The LGTB community has dealt with a lot of negativity and persecution over the years. It wasn't so long ago that gay men and lesbian women were illegal and had to sneak around to see their lover. Thankfully, most of the planet now accepts and embraces the LGBT community. It also helps that many of our favourite celebrities are...
Often, when celebrities start in Hollywood, they are pushed to take on roles or do things that make them uncomfortable. Unfortunately, many of these things can involve nudity. At other times, actors can read an indication in a scenario and imagine it on the screen, but make it appear in a completely different way. The promise of a big paycheque...
Going out in nature is refreshing and relaxing, but there is always a danger that can be waiting for you only a few steps away from you. In fact, even if you stay home, you might not be any safer. We hear about natural disasters all the time. And when one occurs, there are not that many things you...