7 costless tricks to clean your washer and dryer

Whether it is to eliminate bacteria, to avoid stains on your new clothes, or to search for a ever-missing sock, washing your washer and dryer is essential. To do this, here are 10 costless...

Salvage your favourite clothes with these ingenious ideas

You have probably already found yourself in an unpleasant situation where you had to throw away your favourite shirt because of an ink stain, or your favourite pair of shoes that started hurting your feet...

You won’t believe how many foods you don’t need to refrigerate

Has this situation ever happened to you? You go to a friend's house and they leave certain foods out on the counter that you usually put in the fridge? Who is wrong? Here is a...

20 astonishing tricks to try with Vaseline

Vaseline is a petroleum based product that forms a non-irritant hypoallergenic jelly. It is usually used to deeply hydrate dry and damaged skin to accelerate the recovery process. Since its creation in 1859, Vaseline has...

Now that I know this trick, my perfume lasts all day

Have you ever noticed that some people always smell good? These people constantly attract people around them, unlike people who smell bad. Obviously, the people that always smell good don't smell this good naturally. To constantly...

10 Home Staging Tips to Hide A Washer

Appliances such as the washer and dryer are essential, of course. Unfortunately, according to most people, they are unattractive and always in the way. Integrating these appliances to our interior design is a genius...

20 reasons why aluminum foil is essential to your life

Everybody owns aluminum foil. The contrary would be surprising since this is a very practical item to have around the house. We use aluminum foil to cook food in the oven, as well as on the...

15 cooking errors that you should avoid at all costs

Cooking errors are much more frequent than we might think. Surprisingly, even people who are great cooks make these mistakes. You could be making errors while cooking your favourite meal without even knowing it. Discover...

Many women make these mistakes using their mascara

Most women often or regularly use mascara. It is a makeup bag staple. It's affordable and allows us to add a bit of oomph to our look in two quick motions. Unfortunately, a lot...

14 ways to use your microwave that you do not know

Sold for the first time in 1946, the microwave is now, 70 years later, one of the most used kitchen appliance of all times. It allows you to quickly heat up food and it...