Dog behaviors: a little guide to help you understand your dog!

Most dog owners would like to be able to communicate with their pet as if they were communicating with their loved ones. Although we can detect a handful of emotions through the behaviour of...

Use tea bags in your house and your car with these 7 surprising tricks

Although tea bags are bought to consume, there are different uses for them that could change how you live your daily life. They will not only be used to brew your morning, noon and evening cup of tea...

35 foods you should never put in the fridge

Did you know that not all foods can go in the refrigerator? Indeed, refrigeration can significantly encourage the growth of harmful bacteria on many types of prepared and cooked foods. It is generally advisable to refrigerate food...

Now that I know this trick, my perfume lasts all day

Have you ever noticed that some people always smell good? These people constantly attract people around them, unlike people who smell bad. Obviously, the people that always smell good don't smell this good naturally. To constantly...

20 astonishing tricks to try with Vaseline

Vaseline is a petroleum based product that forms a non-irritant hypoallergenic jelly. It is usually used to deeply hydrate dry and damaged skin to accelerate the recovery process. Since its creation in 1859, Vaseline has...

You are missing out if you don’t know these 13 life saving kitchen tips

Cooking is a pleasure in the kitchen and sometimes a passion for people. Unfortunately, not for everyone. Some people hate cooking and see this activity as a  nightmare. It is therefore interesting for these people to...

35 foods you should never put in the fridge

Did you know that it isn't all foods that can go in the refrigerator? Indeed, refrigeration can significantly inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria on many types of prepared and cooked foods. It is generally advisable...

Use tea bags in your house and your car with these 7 surprising tricks

Although tea bags are bought to consume, there are different uses for them that could change how you live your daily life. They will not only be used to brew your morning, noon and night beverage but...

5 easy tips to clean your glass ceramic cooktop at home

Glass ceramic or induction cooktops are perfect for cooking; you can adjust the temperature exactly how you want it since they are so precise and heat up perfectly. However, when it comes time to...

Salvage your favourite clothes with these ingenious ideas

You have probably already found yourself in an unpleasant situation where you had to throw away your favourite shirt because of an ink stain, or your favourite pair of shoes that started hurting your feet...